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Natural Mystic's Energy Cleansing + Smudging Kit is a powerful and potent kit containing White, Black & Blue sage each with their own benefits...



Smudge Sticks -Black Sage 10cm - Black sage is a purification method that also changes your state of consciousness. It is produced from the Artemisia vulgaris plant also known as Mugwort. Black Sage is associated with Psychic Powers, Protection and Purification! It can also be used to promote dreams and visions Burn to purify your home, and area or aura by wafting the smoke around yourself We recommend for deep meditation and psychic works and removal of negative energy/entites.



Smudge Stick - Blue Sage 10 cm Blue sage is distinguished from white sage by the smell that is released when you burn it. Also known as Grandmother Sage this herb is associated with prosperity, wealth and healing. Great for purification and promoting spirtual strength.


Smudge Stick - White Sage 10cm White sage is also called Indian incense. White Sage held sacred to Native America is known for removal of negative energy, it acts like a master reset to allow for newer energies to be invited and culitvated in that space.


Selenite Stick Raw Crystal - Natural Stone 10 cm (4 Inch): Selenite is a calming stone that instill deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work.

Benefits: Selenite also know as 'Liquid Light' is a great crystal to hold during meditation. It works with the third-eye and crown chakra allowing us to tune into higher consciousness. Selenite is also associted with protection, peace and harmony to the soul, this crystal has so many benefits. It works in the aura to aid clearing energetic blocks and connects us to etheric realms. Selenite wands are particulary useful in directing energy


"It is generally accepted that Selenite is one of the most powerful crystals for healing. Also it is connecting to the third eye, crown and etheric chakras. Some say it promotes purity and honesty. It is said it forces the person holding it to be honest with themselves". (Ancient Wisdom)


 Palo Santo (x1): Palo Santo means "Holywood" and is sacred to Native American Indians. Palo Santo is burned in rituals and ceremonies to cleanse a persons aura and release them negative attachments. Palo Santo brings vibrations of peace, love and upliftment. This Holywood doen's just remove negative energy it transmutes them into more loving and positive ones, therefore it is a great companion to uses after burning sage to invite these energy in.

Natural Mystic's Energy Cleansing + Smudging Kit

  • White Sage Smudge Stick x1

    Blue Sage Smudge Stick x1

    Black Sage Smudge Stick x1

    Palo Santo Stick x3

    Raw Crystal Selenite Wand x1

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South London,  England, UK

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